AutoHotkey steam account creator....

A kind gentleman once made an account creator. I still have it but it no longer grabs the captcha. Does anyone have a newer working version?



  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @pyrogerbil said:
    A kind gentleman once made an account creator. I still have it but it no longer grabs the captcha. Does anyone have a newer working version?

    It was me, I don't have the source code anymore though I thought I could find one online, edit it and help you but apparently Valve added some checks to make it harder.

    Still, you can send me the source code and i will take a look at what I can do.

  • I have it. How do I send it to you?

  • NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

    ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

    ; right-click and "save as", save as document: "All Files" and make sure the file ends with ".ahk" and NOT ".txt" or ".ahk.txt"
    ;script by judge, HEAVILY improved by beminee. thx :D

    singleinstance force

    settitlematchmode regex
    sendmode input

    ; settings! remember to replace them with yours.

    curl = C:\Program Files (x86)\curl.exe
    steam = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
    logfile = C:\Program Files (x86)\log.txt
    ahk = %temp%\ahk ; you shouldn't change this one

    randomize = 1
    launchsteam = 1
    advanced = 1
    clear = 1
    connectserver = 1
    lastlogin = 1
    pmail = [email protected]
    pavatar = c:\users\administrator\desktop\1381700760595.jpg

    pname = Dota+Smurf
    ;default permanent/persistent display name for the text box
    ;has to be url encoded.
    ;plus signs for spaces work too
    ;++++ all percent signs must have a

    (grave accent) behind them (it's for autohotkey)
    ;like "100
    %" if you want your name to be "100%"
    ;use "%E2%80`%8E" without the quotes for generic "nameless"
    ;(servers with sourcemod anticheat won't let you play though)
    ;it's the left-to-right mark unicode control character btw

    404 = 0
    ;404: use no avatar at all. (setting = 1 or 0)
    ;there's a game with official avatars and all the images 404
    ;could be neat with the nameless thing? i dunno.
    ;also ignores the pavatar setting

    thing =
    thinglaunchoptions =

    ; no more settings below -- -- --

    filecreatedir, %ahk%
    ifnotexist %curl%
    msgbox,16,info,curl.exe not found

    nis the path correct?
    ifnotexist %steam%\steam.exe
    msgbox,16,info,steam.exe not found
    nis the path correct?
    empty =
    filedelete, %ahk%\submit.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\edit.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\up.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\test.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\cc.txt
    filedelete, %ahk%\captcha.png
    filedelete, %ahk%\page.html
    ifnotexist, %ahk%\avatar_default.jpg
    urldownloadtofile,, %ahk%\avatar_default.jpg
    urldownloadtofile,, %ahk%\page.html
    fileread, page, %ahk%\page.html
    regexmatch(page, "https?:\/\/\/public\/captcha.php\?gid=([0-9]{15,25})", captcha)
    urldownloadtofile, %captcha%, %ahk%\captcha.png
    captchatime := a_tickcount + 119000
    gui, add, text, x10 y28 w80 h21 vnothing right, username
    gui, add, text, x10 y56 w80 h21 right, password
    gui, add, text, x10 y84 w80 h21 right, email address
    gui, add, text, x10 y112 w80 h21 right, secret question
    gui, add, text, x10 y140 w80 h21 right, secret answer
    gui, add, text, x10 y215 w80 h21 right, captcha
    gui, add, edit, x100 y25 w211 h21 vahkname , %ahkname%
    gui, add, edit, x100 y53 w211 h21 vahkpass , %ahkpass%
    gui, add, edit, x100 y81 w211 h21 vahkmail , %ahkmail%
    gui, add, dropdownlist, x100 y109 w211 vahkquestion , ||NameOfSchool|FavoriteTeam|MothersMaidenName|NameOfPet|ChildHoodHero|CityBornIn
    gui, add, edit, x100 y137 w211 h21 vahkanswer ,
    gui, add, picture, x100 y165 w211 h40 gnewcaptcha vcaptchapic , %ahk%\captcha.png
    gui, add, edit, x100 y212 w164 h21 vahkcaptcha ,
    gui, add, button, x99 y239 w104 h23 , randomize
    gui, add, button, x208 y239 w104 h23 , submit
    gui, add, button, x270 y211 w42 h23 gnewgid , new
    gui, add, checkbox, x100 y268 w103 h13 vpmailbox , use real email
    gui, add, checkbox, x209 y268 w103 h13 vlaunchsteam , launch steam
    gui, add, picture, x325 y25 w180 h180 gchooseavatar vavatarpic , %ahk%\avatar_default.jpg
    gui, add, edit, x325 y212 w148 h21 vavatardir ,
    gui, add, edit, x325 y240 w180 h21 vpersonaname ,
    gui, add, button, x479 y211 w27 h23 gchooseavatar vselectbtn , ...
    gui, add, text, x515 y215 w80 h21 , avatar
    gui, add, text, x515 y243 w80 h21 , display name
    gui, add, checkbox, x325 y268 w190 h13 vadvanced gadvance , do the super advanced stuff above
    gui, add, edit, x100 y288 w211 h160 vahkserverbox
    gui, add, button, x324 y287 w80 h23, start steam
    gui, add, checkbox, x408 y292 w120 h13 vlastlogin, + log in last acc
    gui, add, checkbox, x408 y320 w120 h13 vconnectserver, connect to server
    gui, add, button, x324 y343 w80 h23 vstartthing, start thing
    ;gui, add, checkbox, x408 y348 w120 h13, box
    gui, add, button, x324 y371 w80 h23, close steam
    ;gui, add, checkbox, x408 y376 w120 h13, box
    ;gui, add, checkbox, x408 y404 w120 h13, box
    gui, add, button, x324 y426 w80 h23 vclosething, close thing
    gui, add, checkbox, x408 y431 w120 h13 v404, 404 avatar
  • if not (pmail = "")
    guicontrol,, pmailbox, 1
    guicontrol,disable, pmailbox
    if launchsteam = 1
    guicontrol,, launchsteam, 1
    if (logfile = "")
    guicontrol,, lastlogin, 0
    guicontrol, disable, lastlogin
    if lastlogin = 1
    guicontrol,, lastlogin, 1
    guicontrol,, lastlogin, 0
    if advanced = 1
    guicontrol,, advanced, 1
    if not (pname = "")
    guicontrol,, personaname, %pname%
    ifnotexist, %pavatar%
    if not (pavatar = "")
    if connectserver = 1
    guicontrol,, connectserver, 1
    if 404 = 1
    guicontrol,, 404, 1

    gosub buttonrandomize

    gui, show, x5 y5 w605 h466 , Steam Acc Creator

    gui, submit, nohide
    if (advanced = 0)
    guicontrol, disable, personaname
    guicontrol, disable, avatardir
    guicontrol, disable, selectbtn
    guicontrol, enable, personaname
    guicontrol, enable, avatardir
    guicontrol, enable, selectbtn

    guicontrol, focus, nothing

    if (a_tickcount > captchatime)
    goto newgid
    urldownloadtofile, %captcha%, %ahk%\captcha.png
    guicontrol, focus, ahkcaptcha

    urldownloadtofile,, %ahk%\page.html
    captchatime := a_tickcount + 119000
    fileread, page, %ahk%\page.html
    regexmatch(page, "https?:\/\/\/public\/captcha.php\?gid=([0-9]{15,25})", captcha)
    urldownloadtofile, %captcha%, %ahk%\captcha.png
    guicontrol, focus, ahkcaptcha

    fileselectfile, avatarpic, 3,,choose avatar,(*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png)
    if (avatarpic = "")

    gui, submit, nohide
    filedelete, %steam%\config\SteamAppData.vdf
    filedelete, %steam%\ClientRegistry.blob
    if lastlogin = 1
    fileread, ahklog, %logfile%
    regexmatch(ahklog, "| username: ([a-z]{8,16}) |.$",loginname)
    regexmatch(ahklog, "| password: ([a-zA-Z0-9]{8,20}) |.
    if (loginname1 = "") or (loginpass1 = "")
    msgbox, couldn't find any accounts from the log
    run, %steam%\steam.exe -login %loginname1% %loginpass1%
    run, %steam%\steam.exe
    process, close, vrserver.exe
    process, close, steamservice.exe
    process, close, steam.exe

    run, %thing% %thinglaunchoptions%
    regexmatch(thing, "\(.+\)*(.+..+)$", thingname)
    process, close, %thingname2%

    gui, submit, nohide
    if (a_tickcount > captchatime)
    msgbox,64,submit,your captcha expired

    nfill in a new one!
            goto newgid
            avatarpic := avatardir
    filedelete, %ahk%\submit.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\edit.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\up.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\test.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\cc.txt
    run, %curl% --output %ahk%\submit.html -k -b %ahk%\cc.txt -c %ahk%\cc.txt --data "accountname=%ahkname%&password=%ahkpass%&email=%ahkmail%&challenge_question=%ahkquestion%&secret_answer=%ahkanswer%&captchagid=%captcha1%&captcha_text=%ahkcaptcha%&i_agree=1",,min
    winwait, .\curl.exe
    winwaitclose, .
    fileread, submit, %ahk%\submit.html
    regexmatch(submit, "bSuccess.true", submittest)
    if (submittest = "") ; blank submittest = error
    msgbox,64,submit,%submit%nn(that's an error) gosub newgid return } fileread, cc, %ahk%\cc.txt stringreplace, cc, cc,store.steampowered.comt,steamcommunity.comt,1 filedelete, %ahk%\cc.txt fileappend, %cc%, %ahk%\cc.txt run, %curl% --output %ahk%\test.html -k -b %ahk%\cc.txt,,min winwait, .*\\curl.exe winwaitclose, .*\\curl.exe fileread, ahktest, %ahk%\test.html regexmatch(ahktest, "g_sessionID = .(.*).;", sessionid) stringreplace, sessionweb, sessionid1,=,%3D,1
    regexmatch(cc, "steamLogin\t(7656[0-9]{13})", steamid)
    fileread, cc, %ahk%\cc.txt
    filedelete, %ahk%\cc.txt
    fileappend, %cc%nsteamcommunity.comtFALSEt/tFALSEt0tsessionid`t%sessionweb%, %ahk%\cc.txt
    if advanced = 1
    if 404 = 1
    run, %curl% --output %ahk%\up.html --data "selectedAvatar=0&sessionid=%sessionweb%" -k -b %ahk%\cc.txt "",,min
    winwait, .
    winwaitclose, .\curl.exe
    sleep, 500
    if not (avatarpic = "")
    run, %curl% --output %ahk%\up.html --form "MAX_FILE_SIZE=204800" --form "type=player_avatar_image" --form "sId=%steamid1%" --form "doSub=1" --form "avatar=@%avatarpic%" -k -b %ahk%\cc.txt "",,min
    winwait, .
    winwaitclose, .\curl.exe
    sleep, 500
    if not (personaname = "")
    run, %curl% --output %ahk%\edit.html -k -b %ahk%\cc.txt --data "sessionID=%sessionweb%&type=profileSave&personaName=%personaname%",,min
    winwait, .
    winwaitclose, .*\curl.exe
    sleep, 500
        if not (logfile = "")
                formattime, ahktime
                fileappend, `n%ahktime% - | username: %ahkname% | password: %ahkpass% | email: %ahkmail% | secret question: %ahkquestion% | secret answer: %ahkanswer%, %logfile%
        if launchsteam = 1
                process, close, vrserver.exe
                process, close, steamservice.exe
                process, close, steam.exe
                sleep, 500
                filedelete, %steam%\config\SteamAppData.vdf
                sleep, 1000
                run, %steam%\steam.exe -login %ahkname% %ahkpass%
        sleep, 100
        gosub newgid
        if clear = 1
        gosub buttonrandomize


  • guiclose:
    filedelete, %ahk%\submit.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\edit.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\up.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\test.html
    filedelete, %ahk%\cc.txt
    filedelete, %ahk%\captcha.png
    filedelete, %ahk%\page.html
    return ; ?
    gui, submit, nohide
    ncharlist = a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
    pcharlist = a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
    m1charlist = a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
    nstr =
    pstr =
    m1str =
    m2str =
    m3str =
    ssstr =
    random, nrand, 8, 16
    random, prand, 8, 20
    random, m1rand, 6, 8
    random, m2rand, 4, 6
    random, m3rand, 2, 3
    random, ssrand, 6, 16
    random, srand, 2, 7
    stringsplit, chararray, ncharlist,

    , ; [a-z]{8,16}
            loop, %nrand%
            {       random, pick, 1, %chararray0%
                            item := chararray%pick%
                            nstr = %nstr%%item%
            stringsplit, chararray, pcharlist,
    , ; [a-zA-Z0-9]{8,20}
    loop, %prand%
    { random, pick, 1, %chararray0%
    item := chararray%pick%
    pstr = %pstr%%item%
    stringsplit, chararray, m1charlist,
            loop, %m1rand%
            {       random, pick, 1, %chararray0%
                            item := chararray%pick%
                            m1str = %m1str%%item%
            stringsplit, chararray, ncharlist,
    loop, %m2rand%
    { random, pick, 1, %chararray0%
    item := chararray%pick%
    m2str = %m2str%%item%
    stringsplit, chararray, ncharlist,
            loop, %m3rand%
            {       random, pick, 1, %chararray0%
                            item := chararray%pick%
                            m3str = %m3str%%item%
            stringsplit, chararray, ncharlist,
    loop, %ssrand%
    { random, pick, 1, %chararray0%
    item := chararray%pick%
    ssstr = %ssstr%%item%
    guicontrol,, ahkname, %nstr%
    guicontrol,, ahkpass, %pstr%
    if pmailbox = 1
    guicontrol,, ahkmail, %pmail%
    guicontrol,, ahkmail, %m1str%@%m2str%.%m3str%
    guicontrol, choose, ahkquestion, %srand%
    guicontrol,, ahkanswer, %ssstr%
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