i used it yesterday, and i detected an annoying bug: when you buy an triggered linken item like forcestaff, cylone... and you press D( combo button). she push enemy away instead of duel. with Dota all combo by Vick, it didnt happen like that. pls fix xit, jumpering
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Can't you just unselect forcestaff in items it will use in combo?
dont be a lazy bro, just check menu

Hey Jumpering, did you manage to fix the bug where if you buy lothar or if you have an invis rune it doesn't blink to the target and tries to walk to it?
That's not a bug. That is intentional. Some people like to initiate duel with lothars or silver edge.
yes but for people at higher mmr level it would be great to be able to disable it since you're never going to want to do that.
just disable this button

yes but for people at higher mmr level it would be great to be able to disable it since you're never going to want to do that.> @Jumpering said: