integrated unit control with SDK orb.

SocksSocks Posts: 47
edited July 2018 in General

I really think controllable units should work with sdk orbwalk as part of the subscription, as of right now when playing heroes like Lycan etc

The wolves are useless unless you use an aio and even then only spacebar works and thats to attack enemy heroes, let go of that spacebar and they are just standing right where you left them being useless and getting killed. Think how great it would be if you could push with wolves and lasthit with wolves, become the splitpusher that he was made to be, no toggles just straight up ready to last hit, push or help jungle clear and combo

Automatically set to follow your hero

Push space > of course attacks your target
Push c 'last hit' > they are back to your side waiting to last hit with you
Push v 'laneclear' > they are pushing out on the minion you're attacking
Extra > Push x 'flee' > they are by your side running with your nub ass or can just leave it out

Examples -

Hawk, Boar, Spiderling, Spiderite, Eidolon, Forged Spirit, Lycan Wolf, Treant, Greater Treant, Undying Zombie, Wraith King Skeleton, Shard Golem, Skeleton Warrior, Necronomicon Warrior, Necronomicon Archer, Earth. Storm, Fire, Astral Spirit, Spirit Bear, Familiar, Warlocks Golem, Manta Style clones

Not even sure if all are controllable

Would pretty much be a huge improvement to have in general

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