Better make a dota 2 32-bit client for less error and fps drop

Please make a script that work in dota 2 32-bit client for less error and no more fps drop because dota 2 32 bit client is for low end and dota 2 64 bit client is for high end. Please make if you can i hope you can....



  • Because i tried this on hake me and their dota 2 32bit client has no error and no fps drop when i tried their dota 2 64 bit client too much crash in mid game and fps drop zzz. I want this hack more because it show hero icon and their names on hero and much more. I really want this script that can work in dota 2 32 bit client

  • Not going to happen.

  • BlitzBlitz Posts: 60

    My friend, We are in 2019, no one uses 32 bit anymore. If your processor supports 64 bit OS then install it.

  • No not the Operating System bro he means that can work in 32 bit dota 2 because dota 2 has 32 bit and 64 bit you can add it in launch option -32bit or -64bit in ensage launch option but scripts doesnt work in -32bit only -64bit.So he want the scripts work in -32bit dota version.

  • My OS is 64bit but it still can support dota 2 32bit and i still can run it but when i add a -32bit ensage launch option the scripts wont load or work i hope theirs a scripts that can work in -32bit also

  • Shit

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