* Zoom Hack
Fog Disable (Console Command: "fog_enable 0")
Filtering Disable (Console Command: "fow_client_nofiltering 1")
Particle Hack Enable (Console Command: "dota_use_particle_fow 0")
Weather Hack (Console Command: "cl_weather 0 > 10")
Change the weather effect: Snow, Rain, Moonbeam, Pestilence, Harvest, Sirocco, Spring, Ash, Aurora
Donate Bitcoins: 1NjNom3WFP8yoqrcGXHdgskTBaK7de6ip2
Would be great if you could change terrain too
How to install this using gidhub? sorry for being noob
Right click mouse on "profiles"- paste link and choose script
done but i got compiling error
+1 I know you added some more stuff to this, really useful
Good assemblies;) thank you
Zoom hack 1134 does not match 1134 (it turns out that somewhere is 1300)
Please make zoomhack back to normal 1134 is not nomal
does not match the default zoom
podrias hacer un tutorial ? como activarlo con ensage . soy nuevo solo quiero zoom nada mas
hola amigo si quieres yo te doy soporte en español que es lo que necesitas ?
unable to use fog disable, ie the fog is still present
Dude there is not hack or script that can remove the fog in Dota 2 ... it's all server side. It's partial maphack.
What script must i buy to see old things like: skill in fog, tp catcher at minimap, notice dangerous item and skill like old be aware :(