*Guys lots of easy heroes like Abaddon slardar don't have scripts.
*while lots of ranged champs on DotAllCompo's (auto chase enemy once the orb-walking key is on and that's completely destroy the game cuze heroes like Drow Ranger for sure need to keep distance between enemy beside it never use W.
*DotAllCompo's and Zaio stucks many times with many items on different champs (like DotAllCompo's sven never use mask of madness) .
*all this beside no script include all the items for different situations.
*no smart use for black king bar.
*heroes could use abilities and items on there self even if blink dagger on CD.
*for now no good target selector settings that doing the best work, we need target selector like LOL that give 2 options (first lock in on enemy by left click and only focus it if it's on range or no means never touch others, second lock in on enemy and attack it if it's only on range means if not in range attack the nearest enemy or lowest hp etc).
*ks are very bad, for example zues or sniper.
*items order sucks for example if i have stun and root, it will use everything on 1 target on the same moment, while normal player can use 1 item first then the second when the time of the first item is going to end, or to use it on incoming enemy to stop it while i get the kill etc.
*that's just a beginning , I can get more and more mistakes or ideas
*finally ! are there any people listen to us and trying to fix this staff or shall i just shut up and continue use the ensage with the available option ?
I mean don't tell me they are doing there best, cuze i can see everyday useless assemblies with my respect to the devs while the core assemblies have this staff not fixed.
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*last hit is so far good for now, but for early game, enemy can predict and deny creeps before me !
Since Ensage is not only developed by one person, you should post these suggestions/complaints in their own individual threads if you really want improvements.
I guess Ensage is lacking enough devs to make heroes assemblies. Theyre focusing more on backend now. It's good to have a thread like this tho, to highlight the potential and hopefully attract some devs.
yea actually u have a point
Ensage revolution : keep getting vac error in 4 days hahha
not possible if a dev give a
and fixed his own assemb the other didn't, the ensage will be still useless and will lose all rank games
as i said we need a revolution, I mean we paid for this staff and we want you to get our money, so please fix this thing and make it super, it's still like beta !
I just wondering what is smart bkb usage.
I must be crazy I though ensage was ridiculously OP with all the warnings soon as someone on the other team dare to do something.
Still no vac here on ensage account either.
actually, i wish some zaio features was less smart.. sometimes i just wanna use everything i have to kill one.. like sometimes it doesnt activate blademail on axe call. anyway, zaio is pretty good, there is some annihilation scripts from jumpering who does a nice work.. but yes there is a empty place to improve on hero scripts.. but ensage is not only this.. ensage is the best on OVERALL scripts.. map,awareness,warns,zoom,block,stack,timings,EVADE,everything.. and is way better than hake. sorry my english.. Yes, lets improve hero scripts, but ask gently.. we have a nice program..
also, BlackSharp did a very nice hero script to be based off, i would love to try make it for other heros and learn scripting but no devs contact me on discord. TinyReload is a perfect simple made script. sometimes it dont need to be "smart", just need to be a little configurable
ask gently ?

oh please dev please i will die please help us and fix those things
bro we should be a team, joduska was unbeatable because they listen to us, sometimes i request something i find it on the same day !
but looks like ensage isn't free for us cuze no other hacks like it for now
and look no one even bothering about us, before moones used to make scripts, no we dont even see him, ability# is almost broken(no offense) , i hope they respond to our needs, the scripts are also not updated ....
well when i saw ensage i bought it for a month cuze i trust this people , but what i'm seeing now really broke me
noone is making you buy it, i requested some things and they come with time. it is a very usefull program, and if u dont like.. you can go to hake.. for me it is thousand times better than hake. i have both.. why dont u make scripts by urself
arguing on forum doesnt make any better
Bro first thing is you are hopeless and helpless, second thing learn to be respectful to all people,
Everyone here is expressing their opinion, so that admins may see them and take nesassary actions, u think so high of yourself... no one asked for your openion , if u don't want to help notify the admins about our problems then just don't comment ur stupidity,,, with all due respect NO ONE asked for your stupid openion(like comparing with hake everyone knows ensage is the best ),, if u wanna help then do so.
thanks you said everything i could say :)
And where is Moone's Ability V2? I think the problem with ensage is the lack of competition. It is still way better than the other hack so the Devs don't bother improving it and adding new heroes.
yep looks so
Honestly, I hate to say this but the other "hack" is probably better than ensage at this stage. Now they have more working scripts with better functions. For instance... their axe script will actually position axe to hit as much heroes as it can with call. The auto cull is much faster. They just released an arc warden script that is pretty OP. They have a great phoenix and magnus and pudge script (and lots of others). The only thing that ensage is better at right now is last hitting and vision control (knowing where the enemy wards are). I feel like they have more active developers. And it actually pains me to say this because I love ensage and the community here, but the lack of support is just ridiculous. This was supposed to be Ensage Revolution, but I feel like we actually have less scripts than before... and it's been a while. I gave up on ability # v2 and the only reason I'm still here is for the last hitting (which is by far the best thing Ensage has going for it at this time).
You guys can flame me all you want. But I'm just speaking the truth. I will always support ensage because I'm fortunate enough to make good money and I've donated multiple times to multiple developers, but if ensage wants to survive it needs more scripts, better working scripts, more developers, and more support. Ensage used to be way way way ahead of the other "hack" But now it's behind.
yes we are here cuze we are in relation with ensage even it's bad now, I have lots of btc i can buy anything else, but i don't want, i only want ensage to wake up
Some constructive ides maybe then? Like spend your BTC sponsoring volunteer devs and attracting new ones? Vick was working hard to get a laptop to continue scripting and you contribute nothing (oh please don't mention that paltry 20$/m) and just disrespectfully whine about other ppl not updating their scrips.
if they need help they should just ask about it !
but giving us a service not completed not fair !
To make things better need to make normal entry documentation for a new devs and even add more amateur-friendly languages as JavaScript or python. It should increase devs or create money reward for devs to attract good C# developers.
Oh please, being disrespectful ? U serious my friend ? Do you even know in the first place why vick was leaving the community, cos they didn't pay him well, in the same way vick also expressed in the openion ( how we are doing now ) by which he got his discussion clarified and now he is back,(actually vick was the only one who would update his scripts before he left and would respond to our needs) and you say we don't contribute ? You talk as if u know our bank balance and check whether we contributed or not, bro do u even know how many times and how much we contributed to vick ? Don't talk as if you know everything shhh... first study your HIGH SCHOOL again and learn the difference between EXPRESSING OPENION and DISRESPECTFUL ,and u call us whining now updating their scrpts ? Almost 60% of the scripts are not updated for the past 3 months( the minimum , can be more) just wait till u realise... do a small favour for me just tuck your tail in between your legs and leave from this discussion, thanks in advance.
Mrazish we are expressing our opinion. We aren't being disrespectful. Do you know the definition of disrespectful? Are we yelling? Are we cursing? Are we demanding? No. We are expressing our opinion. Shut the fuck up please thanks (that can be considered disrespectful).
Constructive ideas have already been given over and over again. My main idea which I have said countless times, would probably fix issues once and for all. Make scripts PURCHASABLE. Half goes to ensage half goes to developer. I would pay $100 for premium scripts. I bet you developers would make scripts like crazy then.
help make better? nah, just flame. human way to be a trash ppl
i dont care about you, go away them if u dont like e#
Yea I know that u are garbage bro, no need to mention u are a garbage it's a fact :) , and one more thing no one is gonna recognise u if u praise devs, first type it clearly I think even u don't understand what u wanted to say(lol) , if you use private hacks why u are here in this forum ( sad life ) who cares if u have money. Once again ur stupidity is proved by calling yourself a garbage WP
ignorance or stupid i dont know
sad life is that you are still here, why dont u go somewhere else
Bad breath I totally agree with you, but there's one flaw if scripts are made purchasable it's not a good idea , they will incur a huge loss, like in some Russian sites they release these same scripts produced by the same author for free , no one will buy the scripts produced in ensage , but download from Russian site and open it with ensage
can you all **KIDS ** forget this shit and focus on the main reason for being here (making Ensage better)
no matter how ?
Then we can make the scripts subscription based. For instance you want Arc Warden script? pay an extra $5 a month and then ensage will check to see if you are allowed to use it. There are lots of programs with this kind of system.
I trade stocks and use a program called Ninja Trader and lots of scripts you have to pay monthly for. Ninjatrader checks to see if the license for the scripts are still valid.
Hmm... now that u mention arc warden, arc warden is the only script that is being updated regularly, did u see invoked ninja and invoker anhilation how broken those two are ? No one bothers to update it only, input a request 2 months ago to update or make a new invoker script but no one bothered even to reply...
EDIT: either ensage should be paid / scripts should be paid ... if both are paid community will die for sure, it will become too costly
don't you think we are fighting here a lot and giving lots of opinions and solutions and never one from support or devs give a
Yea, don't worry if this continues to happen the forum will be dead in no time(no offence) unless zynox and moons speak to other script makers to atleast update the scripts once in 2 weeks.. I'll say one thing for sure only vick was the best scripter in this forum according to me he used to regularly update his scripts( like once in 2 days) , now that he is back only he can save this community from not dying
And I don't know what happen to moones he used to make "THE BEST" scripts when ensage was for free, but now we don't even see him...
Bro don't give this shit , ensage is been the same for the past 2 months , no updates , no one answers your needs , no new scripts , just use the old outdated scripts, tell me one thing how do u make ensage better when the moderator/script maker doesn't even update the script even when u have told them u problem, u are the main kid here, u donno what it feels to use ensage to its full extent(back before joduska) and coming here and blabbering
Have u actually told about the assembly problems ? I just see u crying how "ensage is dying" in all ur posts :|
Bro I am not saying about ur scripts , did u even see invoker annihilation and invoker ninja pudge pro,etc ? Bro haven't u checked my previous posts ? I told the same problems as others, so why should I write them again, Zzz, thanks for your scripts by the way I see only u and jumpering , black active that's it no one else
Edit: I also requested for many scripts but no one reply , I'll be happy even if anyone replies "I can't do it " but seeing and not replying is too much and by ensage is dying I meant , ensage is not at its full potential, we don't have scripts for many heroes despite recommending it, u know how ensage was at the start right ?(before joduska) it was THE BEST, now with current dovelopmemf that is in 2 moths nothing new is happening... that's what I meant ensage standards are going down... only U jumpering and black sharp are responding, what happens to moons zynox ,imeh and many others
ability Old why remove the range of skills ?
Add plz the range of skills
well looks like no one care