Terminated Steam; Terminated dota2

lezterrnb2lezterrnb2 Posts: 11
edited May 2019 in Help

Hi, I'm having this error, it is always works everytime, however for some reason, all of a sudden, it terminates everything, both dota 2 and steam. Need your help please.

•I have no anti-virus installed
•I tried to reinstall ensage, still same result as below
•Restarted PC several times but still the same

Link for the logs. https://s.put.re/JZ9zwVHi.zip

Another screenie


  • lezterrnb2lezterrnb2 Posts: 11
    edited May 2019

    Hi, I was able to figure out the resolution.

    For those having the same error, please opt out of BETA VERSION OF STEAM.

    Ensage does not work completely with the Beta version.

    @Admin, Kindly close the thread or move if necessary. Problem solved.

    Thanks! :gaben:

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