The basis was taken the script "Be Aware Ninja" from Magmaring (bruninjaman)
beminee : For helping me. Wrote majority of code.
spyware293 : Some codes are taken from Team Informer.
Magmaring (bruninjaman) : It's a improved version of his old Be Aware Ninja assembly.
Jumpering : For helping me.
DarkP0wer : Some codes are taken from Speech Info.
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doesnt work since the last ensage update ;_;
Works for me
doesnt work on old and new ensage
NOT WORK Show and warn with sound when enemies use some dangerous items and skills.
You could give Teamviewer?
Updated: now without problems should work
It's working on my end and why did you remove from the database?
Yeas we going to ask - installed via github instead.
I did not delete this.
Returned to DB
Thanks for who returned it again it's really working and it's really helpful.... just finished 13 games today...
(02.05.2017) Update:
* Fixed Some Problems.
* Fixed Boots Of Travel Teleport.
* Fixed Furion Teleportation.
* Added Some Improvements.
Hi guys, I checked I did not have any problems! If you have any problems or not pleasant moments let me know please.
Also you can suggest new ideas.
i cant see in database how again added ? new patch and most things broken
(08.05.2017) Update:
* Fixed Some Problems.
* Fixed Boots Of Travel Teleport.
* Fixed Town Portall Scrol Teleport.
* Fixed Furion Teleportation.
* Fixed Mini Map Drawing.
* Fixed Mini Map Color.
* Added Furion Teleportation Name.
* Added Some Improvements.
Is smoke notification still bugged ?
I do not have any bug
Works for me. Still getting an heart attack every time someone smoke... :)
Because usually they always show two red stars for me. Not only in one spot.
Nice for me;)) smoke weed every daaay;))
It is possible to add in alerts Roshan:if there is visibility on cave, then do not play sound "May have appeared" and if there is visibility and Roshan was there to run sound immediately about it, but not after 11 minutes?
Tp catcher broken.could youfix it YEEEE. I love this awesome function
Today my PC has broken down
I think I will not be active at some time 
What does the creep pusher AllUnitsPush do? Because it doesnt seem to work with natures prophet.
I cant see Clink'z E anymore. Only the sound
Use DX9
I can hear the sound. I just can't see the Symbol on minimap where he uses the spell.. settings are default as always, never touched it
Use DX9

Always ran it on Dx9
Anyway it was a temporary problem, ty
how to install this script??? i'm a newbie, it's first time i using script
We can see all the skills of the Timber (BeAwarePlus V3 Release was not yet!)

how about tinker sir. when uses 3rd
It works fine!

thanks sir i wil ltry later. im waiting for the ensage to update T_T
BeAwarePlus V3 Release was not yet!
What Spells/Heroes can be detected in V3? (all?)
More than 400 skills
yep i can see now all minimap drawings detect. but in dx9 only in dx11 wont work T_T
In directx 9 the dota is going slower than in directx 11, is that normal?
I can't get this to work in game. DO you need anything else in addition to running it in DX9? Everything else works I just don't get the icons in the fog for any spells. Also on the minimap I just get an asterix (*).
mine too got drop 10-15 fps for dx9 dx11 no prob no drop fps
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its alr release? but im pretty sure it will drop 10-15 fps for this isnt it?
I dont see skills and items anymore in minimap, after the dota 2 update.