All things are kinda intuitive except "Priority".
There you can see 4 icons.
Stampede - evade by moving.
Blink - all blink abilities.
Eul - all counter abilities.
Hex - all disable abilities.
Because there is no priority changer with words, i had to use ability icons.
So if you will set priority like in picture, your hero will try to dodge by moving, then blink and finally counter. Disable abilities wont be used.
Also you can change priority for any enemy ability. For example if you dont want to disable enemies, but against Chronosphere you can set "Use custom priority" and change priority to disable first for example.
If "Use custom priority" is disabled, “Default priority” will be used.
Obviously it makes sense to change default priority for different heroes, for some its better to have blink then counter, for another counter then blink.
Also you can change pathfinder mode: orange (default) will evade all, red will evade only disable abilities and if it disappears, pathfinder will be disabled, this affects only "evade by move", all other counter abilities will be used.
You can disable/enable any ability you want to use or enemy ability you want to evade.
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Thanks for the great work IdcNoob. Really enjoyed your scripts!
I noticed a lot scripts has been updated for the new loader in your github. But HP/MP abuse is missing. Could you maybe update that together? It is a must have for many heroes that I play.
in the database you can add itemmanager, hp/mp abuse is integrated into it. But some needs work like auto soulring.
t> @anonymouse said:
thanks dude. I just tested it and it works perfectly
I know about that and will fix it soon.
Question. Does this assembly autostun (for example venge's q) whenever some one will blink near to you? If not.. Could you update AutoDisable?
It wont use stun on enemy just because he blinked near u, but it will use it when enemy will start casting some dangerous ability.
Isn't better the other way?
For sure more obvious but more efficient i think.
Auto disable will be added in the future.
Pls add quelling blade/tango for enemy ironwood branch plant. It would work amazing in certain situations (will make for big counter-plays)
There is no real way to know who placed this tree, and no way to detect difference between iron branch and natures prophet trees.
To reiterate in layman terms its impossible?
Its possible, but it wont be reliable and anyway its kinda situational, but ill think about it.
Just curious, what does the coin icon in the counter tab means?
Its for Item managers Gold spender, to force buy items when some nuke is going to kill you.
Can you please PL's doppelganger usage automatically be used to his front ? Like 1 hex in front of his head, so he doesn't need to turn. It keeps on missing alot of spells when evader tries to use it the base direction.
There is doppelganger as blink and counter. If u disable blink and leave only counter it should do what u want. There was a mistake when counter doppelganger was used in wrong direction if pl was moving, but it should work as intended now.
disable techies hit mines when invis
disable techies hit mines when dodging
Evader actually doesnt attacking techies mines, its probably item manager.
oh ok, can you change it pls ? xd
Okay, I was sure that wasn't there before. But I also suggested disable attacking when evading with Evader (using counter/blink)
@IdcNoob Can you pls add an option to enable/disable bkb usage ?
Isnt this an option to enable/disable bkb usage ?

Specifically for bkb
A specific button that has something of an icon/text that notifies that bkb dodge is enabled or not. A hotkey of some sorts, like a pathfinder option ? Yeah something like that but specifically for bkb. Perhaps I was not elaborate enough.
I guess i can.
oto armlet not work now ?
I think it still does but it makes less big plays now for some reason lul
I used to get arteezy like toggles with evader
It's not working at all right now. Can anyone else confirm.
Can you turn off movement-evasion when you're magic immune? I'm not too sure but it feels like the script still tries to go around AoEs or ground abilities even though it won't affect the hero.
maybe another assembly interference?
Even if u are magic immune it will still try to evade immunity piercing abilities, like pudges hook.
Can you add custom counter skill for enemy's each skill?
for example
TA prefer to use refraction counter Sven's first skill and QOP's first skill ect..(unless refraction is on CD) ,actually use melt firstly is better.
If u are talking about the option to change counter order for certain abilities, then its possible, but i dont think ill add it, because it can cause some performance problems. If u noticed some wrong order, just tell me and ill change it.
Can you please make an option to disable evading after a certain minute ? Like the disable if spell is below a certain level option. It would be amazing, and so useful for so many spells.
Again i dont understand what u want..............
Disable evading after a certain minute ? U can do it with a hotkey.
Disable if spell is below a certain level ? This option already exists.
Please be more specific.
Idc, i would like to disable evades like things you can visually see in floor.. like sunstrike or kunka water
because sometimes you want evade in the right direction to escape
There is an option to disable evade for certain abilities.
Disable Evading spell after a certain minute for a specific spell. For example -> Earth Spirit Rolling Boulder would be amazing to pathfinder dodge in the first ... 0-10 minutes ish ? After that most of the time you will be chasing Earth Spirit and trying to block him, but I still want to dodge Pudge Hook for example. So what I'm proposing is a specific option in every single spell to disable dodging it after a certain minute.
English is not my mother tongue so its kinda hard sometimes to explain these complicated things, please do bother asking me again if you still don't understand.
Edit : I also suggest adding hurricane pike to evader, there's alot of heroes like Axe and Slardar that can be dodged by casting hurricane pike on them if they cast call/stun on you. This feature would be amazing xd
Added time ignore. Hurricane pike is used as force staff, maybe ill improve it someday.
Can we have auto blink/disable when certain enemy is within certain range? like when we are playing sniper or zeus, suddenly troll appeaers.
Does it block movement back into the skill? Just curious cause i feel like it moves to dodge it then i move back into it or it doesnt start moving in time(it is drawn but doesnt avoid immediately)
Played a game vs Techies yesterday and I noticed the lag was tremendous. Also my hero auto destroyed all mines without having sentry vision! Really report material and I could not disable this feature so I disabled the evader script and the fps doubled.
Added hurricane pike usage as counter ability against some nukes/disables.
So hurricane pike as blink will be used on ur self in fountain direction, pike as counter will be used on enemy.
Thank you