I know how to code very well , but i am trying to import the sdk to learn how to code for ensage it cant seem to work . Can anyone send me a sample visual code project so i can begin with . from there the train will move fast but i need the first baby step . i am emporting ensage sdk to visual studio and downloading samples from github but everytime i am running in errors !
someone teach us how to begin please . 10 mins video will be perfect and it contributes much for the sites . i can make many scripts so why you have not 1 tutorial . ignore api we will figure it out from others but we need a simple baby step please
It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
There is a lot of simple assemblies like this
Also u can check sdk samples
And make sure u have installed ms build tools.
I am using visual studio ( I am a java dev ) but c# is pretty simple same syntax 99%.
My problem is not with the sample or how easy . I can not import sdk to visual studio always missing references thousands of errors ! i dont know how to import 1 simple project so i begin from there . thats the hardest step all after should be simply easy
Im not java dev so i dont even know what you mean by "import".
Only thing you need to do is add required references to ur project. You can find them in loader/references folder.
If its still too hard
you can download assembly from github, then add it to loader and compile. If you have ms build tools it should successfully do it and will update all references, so you will be able to open it in vs without any errors.
" loader/references folder" where is that ?
"ms build tools" i dont have that , i just have visual studio community
Import in java is ----> I give you a folder of the main project (inside this project there will be a folder of libraries) , you dont bother to do anything . u just go to netbeans ur ide , press import project ... and begin code . u dont fix libraries unless u have smth broken .
Shouldnt ensage admin make like a video tutorial just how to begin coding ! the least can be done so devs can contribute . i saw others having same problem like me . doesnt get where to begin
Hi msbuild tools download here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48159
First of all install Ensage.SDK via the loader > database, besides that install also Ensage.Common.
DLL files of these libraries will the appear in LoaderFolder/References/
Now go to VisualStudio, open your project and add these references, Im adding them via the panel on the right, rightclicking on the References > Add reference > Browse, your visual studio might look differently tho, you can also google "How to add references to VS" Im sure there will be tens of tutorials : )
I know how to add references :p . But yeah didnt understand what is loader . Now i got it , inside ensage, database and then go to the folder and "C:\Ensage\References" add these libraries . ok i ll add and report back .
I guess next step take a sample script and make it launch
Thanks a lot guys !!! i ll try and report back
@Moones Ok now reference works perfectly ! everything setup .
I downloaded creep blocker from @IdcNoob and added the references , no red or errors shows . if i press start ( it will show me a "class with an output type class library can not be started directly" .
So i think u can not just press start open dota and test ur code on the fly . So i tried to go to loader and add assembly by adding the folder but it didnt successfly import it . i tried to add bin debug also same results .
so whats the next process how can u test it out ? thank u
Hey, you can load the assembly localy with the loader. Dont know how you did it but the correct way is: go to loader>profiles>right click on blank space under already installed assemblies>add local assembly>click "local" and select folder of your project>under "2. PROJECTS" you should then see your project>select it>set type to Utility or champion>select profile Local>click "add"
Id make you a gif where you could see it more clear but my internet is way to slow for uploading gifs.
Thank you @Moones but already did what u suggest and here is the problem. i took screenshot of my imports !
Just in case ill ask 5th time... Did u installed ms build tools?
Besides what @IdcNoob said, did you try to compile the project in VisualStudio ?
You can find compiling logs in LoaderFolder>Logs, they should tell you whats the issue.
@IdcNoob @Moones i did !! install ms
Then do what @Moones said and check logs.
And u cant just start assembly from visual studio
Its not some stand alone stuff, u can only compile it in vs to check if there is any errors.
@IdcNoob I DONT understand now it works ! damn maybe needed to restart the loader dont know !!
Last question - how do u test your progress .
You code --- > modify ---> press f5 to refresh ? thats the way ?
Yes, but not F5, u need to press recompile key, i dont remember what its by default (maybe F8), u can check it in loader settings.
Its fine, you will get it working, just chill : )
You can also rightclick the assembly in loader and select Update(that will recompile it), then press F5, since F8 recompiles all assemblies.
Ok thanks guys . both of you and i hope this posts helps other devs too
ohh its F8
Thank you guys. That should be in front page of the site. I’m not c# dev, but wanted to try to make my own assembly
ok so basically im comming back and have like a lot of stuff i coded for me and some frienderinos, this thread help me a lot there should be like a tutorial way to do this, ALSO WHAT A PAIN HAVING TO COMPILE EVERYTIME I DO SOMETHING :( you know how many times i modify stuff haha
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NVM i answer myself this question