- Ability panel (showing needed abilities and their cooldown)
- Combo panel (can change combo by clicking on them or just with hotkeys)
- Prepare key (will invoke first & second abilities in combo) (need to hold key)
- Smart sphere panel
- Auto SunStrike (also can draw prediction)
- Auto Ghost Walk (or quick cast on key (need to hold key)) (Now you cant use any ability of a half second after ghost walk)
- Quick casts
- Refresher in combo
Current combo list
if you want to disable moving while combo
combo with refresher done
improve logic for ice wall
Can you make a diagonal ice wall?
The only problem i noticed is with last hits because of smart sphere i think, because when you will right click and then press s all the time and when creep has low hp you release the s it will have very huge delay.
So I found this on console while testing script.
Priming combo work fine now, but doing combo, cast auto SS and ghostwalk give this error.
Disable smart sphere didn't fix it.
spheres cant cancel ur action so -> cant do delay for u
dunno what re u talking about
you didnt learn needed spheres?
Here I try to use one of the combo. First I start priming which work fine, then when it cast tornado and meteor it fail to cast deafening blast. Then I open console and got similar error to my previous post.
Ok this might be only be me but i had alot of lags at the game, when i checked console everything was red with
"MoveNext| can't invoke (cd) 1", but when i reached lvl 25 everything was smooth, i dont know but maybe its because my pc is crap.
inc delay in menu
its not errors, its just debug for me
Edit: Apparently the item that is causing the problem is Invoker head immortal. Removing it fix this problem.
ah, i got it, its cuz u have not default textures on spheres, lol
@Jumpering smart sphere cancels Ghost walk when you right click to walk =(
nope, there is a block system for 500ms after ghost walk or after every sphere cast (i hope)
How do I fix it? Wanna use that Immortal head.
i will fix it soon
А будет ли возможность кастомные комбо поставить или сделать типа если выбрал комбо и один из спелов недоступен он юзает другой или уже такое имеется, я просто хз, пока возможности проверить нет
@Jumpering No dude if you orbwalk its fine and does not break it but if you right click to move manually it does try it out
Also Sunstriker never trys 2 kill anything for me =(
Okay the ghost walk is working now ss still ont
Oh, ss works for me, but i think it only works when enemy is stuned?
I have to add all the textures or will you fix it?
a diagonal ice wall> @YEEEEEEE said:
a diagonal ice wall...Hope
http://dota.178.com/201102/91760065441.html like this one
how u know?

Thank you Jumpering.
quick switch skill combo does not work for me.
Please Can Add New Combo : Cold Snap---> Meteor ---> Alcarity

now you can disable smart invoke (like in old annihilation)
now hero will not use prediction on meteor if hero under cold snap's debuff
Thank You So Much Jumpering Ur The Best... I Hope Invoker Script Becomes As Good As Arc Warden
Is it possible to turn blink dagger on and off in combos?
Prepare key not work
Fuck ya as good as Arc warden as it's one of the best script here. If only Invoker would be as badass I can die happy haha. Ty for hardwork
a diagonal ice wall.?Jumpering
Can we disable auto blink when combo key is pressed? Didn't see an option anywhere for items during combo
nice work but hes often not using meteor on the long combo
turn off blink would be nice
Is Anyone Having Problem In Auto sun Strike ?..... or am the only one ?
Should work only on stunned enemies
+. Have same problem. How i can off this option?
can you add the minimum distance while comboing for invoker? cause right now it's always running into the front or beside of the enemy face to face.... invoker is not a melee his a range hero...
thank you jumpering....
+++++ ,,,,, yea pls if u can ty
Please Can Add New Combo : Tornado---> EMP---> Ice Wall the Ice Wall was diagonal ice wall
Sideways ice wall,please
diagonal ice wall have hard logic. pls be patient
about icewall
its working, but it can miss too
you can enable old method in menu (old method enabled by default)

now orbwalking is working all time while u doing combo
ty man <3
Can you add a dynamic mode which automatically starts using all of invokers spells on targeted hero (in an order you can prioritize) once main combo is off? Can you add auto tornado cold snap channeling spells like enigma ult, or someone trying to get away with TP? Auto sunstrike TPing enemy that you can kill. Thanks man.
ss on tp i can add, but for disabling you need to use autodisable assemblies
another update
now we got quick casts
now you can disable sorting by cooldown
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