@anonymouse said:
Confirmed, many spells leaves red circles on the map. Also can you add spirit breaker charged target a little longer for allies? Or until he cancels it? Sometimes im soo focused on farming I missed who he charged. But then again its nice to have icons on charged heroes. Nice work on this assembly btw! Really worth buying!
did you use version 15?
I fixed all the bugs of the circle!
what do you keep in mind about the SpiritBreakerCharge? she works beautifully.
I mean on the map can you add who spirit breaker is charging a bit more longer? Sometimes I am focus on farming or killing enemy, I miss seeing who he charged. But works fine, i think it would help if theres another overlay to who SB is charging.
Last few games I've played since the POTM and Sun-Strike update - Gyro's abilities don't seem to be displaying warnings. There have been other occasions the assembly has triggered false alerts for POTM arrow and ult, there was no POTM. I'm pretty sure it was Kunkka triggering the alerts.
EDIT!: I've found it is also displaying warnings for Invoker's skills when on the same team too.
@anonymouse said:
Confirmed, many spells leaves red circles on the map. Also can you add spirit breaker charged target a little longer for allies? Or until he cancels it? Sometimes im soo focused on farming I missed who he charged. But then again its nice to have icons on charged heroes. Nice work on this assembly btw! Really worth buying!
did you use version 15?
I fixed all the bugs of the circle!
what do you keep in mind about the SpiritBreakerCharge? she works beautifully.
I mean on the map can you add who spirit breaker is charging a bit more longer? Sometimes I am focus on farming or killing enemy, I miss seeing who he charged. But works fine, i think it would help if theres another overlay to who SB is charging.
Some suggestions
1. Can you make an option to allow the side message to show faster/immediately? Now I have to wait some important message to slide out (shadow blade / mirana ult). Sometimes its a waste of ~1 sec precious time to get the information.
2. Can you make an option to set the opacity/width of some Show ME More drawings like Pudge Hook? I think the large size drawing we currently have is fine for early game but sometimes it can be annoying in late game especially in teamfights. Or can we get an option to draw the effect ONLY when Pudge is not in vision. (I noticed the option but its not working to me)
@rayuki said:
hey mate how to turn off spirit breaker red screen when charging? it turns my whole screen red and i can't see shit!
it's default 40 and this can not be a problem for you!
I think your BeAwarePro is not updated
please remove and reinstall.
if you have an intro, then you are using the latest version!
Hey bro @YEEEEEEE can you make smoke notifaction, word based rather than icon? I always find it hard if its a enemy using skills on that location or a smoke gank, and it dissapears like 4 seconds, even if I set drawing icon to 9 seconds.
Is it possible to add how many % or if its ready on the minimap? So I dont have to go look at the shrine if its ready ir not. Or maybe make a sound notification that shrine is ready, shrine has been used, shrine is almost ready etc. thanks
Is it possible to add how many % or if its ready on the minimap? So I dont have to go look at the shrine if its ready ir not. Or maybe make a sound notification that shrine is ready, shrine has been used, shrine is almost ready etc. thanks
Is it possible to add how many % or if its ready on the minimap? So I dont have to go look at the shrine if its ready ir not. Or maybe make a sound notification that shrine is ready, shrine has been used, shrine is almost ready etc. thanks
You can tell if a shrine is ready on the mini map by default wihout BeAwarePro
Is it possible to add how many % or if its ready on the minimap? So I dont have to go look at the shrine if its ready ir not. Or maybe make a sound notification that shrine is ready, shrine has been used, shrine is almost ready etc. thanks
You can tell if a shrine is ready on the mini map by default wihout BeAwarePro
Is it possible to add how many % or if its ready on the minimap? So I dont have to go look at the shrine if its ready ir not. Or maybe make a sound notification that shrine is ready, shrine has been used, shrine is almost ready etc. thanks
Thanks bro @YEEEEEEE ! Can you make it different color and bigger? Or size option? The color its similar to the map so its hard to see, and size is too small. Thanks!
Thanks bro @YEEEEEEE ! Can you make it different color and bigger? Or size option? The color its similar to the map so its hard to see, and size is too small. Thanks!
We thankful for you bro. The hardwork and trying your best. This is your 3rd script. But tbh none of them is close to being stable. There are issues on each. Techies rubick and now last hit. We tough on you bro because we know you're potential. And as one of the if not the newest developer you kinda need to prove yourself. We make suggestions as a positive criticism and hope you're not taking anything personal. I think that it's better to perfectly work on one script first than making a new one with the other ones still having problems. I'm not telling you what to do bro just a suggestion. Again thank you @SirLimon.
@ralph_repato said:
We thankful for you bro. The hardwork and trying your best. This is your 3rd script. But tbh none of them is close to being stable. There are issues on each. Techies rubick and now last hit. We tough on you bro because we know you're potential. And as one of the if not the newest developer you kinda need to prove yourself. We make suggestions as a positive criticism and hope you're not taking anything personal. I think that it's better to perfectly work on one script first than making a new one with the other ones still having problems. I'm not telling you what to do bro just a suggestion. Again thank you @SirLimon.
Thanks for the update! I was wondering if it would be possible for you to add a couple things from other assemblies in the database (I feel they align with what you've created in this assembly). Features like the ability to view your visible status in VisibleByEnemyPlus, specifically the aura around heroes and units (mines, etc.) as well as the positioning of wards and mines/remotes etc. in VisionControl.
Similarly I think AdvancedRangeDisplay and ModifierVision assembly features would be an awesome addition as it's all visual information. I'm not sure how they'd all fit/perform in your new core - whether it'd work/affect performance in its' current state, but if it could be done, I feel you'd be the man to do it! (given how good the performance I was experiencing with BeAwarePro before it's update)
hello @yeee i have a suggestion XD can you add enemy bkb timer ? because you know i play a lot of tinker to raise my mmr and other magic damage hero scrpits like skywrathmageplus , so i think its cool to have a enemy bkb timer so we can assure that the enemy is vulnerable on our attacks
forgive me maybe I misunderstood. you said that BeAwarePro is more FPS than Divine.BeAwre?.
1. I'll think about VisibleByEnemy.
2. Perhaps later I will add VisionControl.
3. RangeDisplay will not be added, since Each of my Hero Combos script will have RangeDisplay.
4. Perhaps later I will add ModifierVision
I mean on the map can you add who spirit breaker is charging a bit more longer? Sometimes I am focus on farming or killing enemy, I miss seeing who he charged. But works fine, i think it would help if theres another overlay to who SB is charging.
Last few games I've played since the POTM and Sun-Strike update - Gyro's abilities don't seem to be displaying warnings. There have been other occasions the assembly has triggered false alerts for POTM arrow and ult, there was no POTM. I'm pretty sure it was Kunkka triggering the alerts.
EDIT!: I've found it is also displaying warnings for Invoker's skills when on the same team too.
Update v4.1.1.0
Earthspirit's ult effect causes a lot of annoying Morphling side messages. Seems like its from the old Morphling ability. Can you remove that?
Some suggestions
1. Can you make an option to allow the side message to show faster/immediately? Now I have to wait some important message to slide out (shadow blade / mirana ult). Sometimes its a waste of ~1 sec precious time to get the information.
2. Can you make an option to set the opacity/width of some Show ME More drawings like Pudge Hook? I think the large size drawing we currently have is fine for early game but sometimes it can be annoying in late game especially in teamfights. Or can we get an option to draw the effect ONLY when Pudge is not in vision. (I noticed the option but its not working to me)
I lost my shit after the first smoke gank!, well played Sir
hey mate how to turn off spirit breaker red screen when charging? it turns my whole screen red and i can't see shit!
You can go to spirit breaker settings in beawarepro and turn it off or change how the colors affects the screen.
it's default 40 and this can not be a problem for you!
I think your BeAwarePro is not updated
please remove and reinstall.
if you have an intro, then you are using the latest version!
Make the button to disconnect all sounds. These sound notifications only irritate and disturb.
Thanks. Personally it is heavy to me to play when on each teleport of the enemy the pishchaniye is distributed.
Hey bro @YEEEEEEE can you make smoke notifaction, word based rather than icon? I always find it hard if its a enemy using skills on that location or a smoke gank, and it dissapears like 4 seconds, even if I set drawing icon to 9 seconds.
Hey I have a suggestion for you, when you get ult from bs maybe red screen like bara?
Update v4.1.2.0
When bs ult me can you make the screen red same way you did for bara. Hard to tell if bs ult me sometimes in team fights
Does it have more features than a free BeAware?
Is it possible to add how many % or if its ready on the minimap? So I dont have to go look at the shrine if its ready ir not. Or maybe make a sound notification that shrine is ready, shrine has been used, shrine is almost ready etc. thanks
I also:)
I only need to buy this once right ? No monthly or anything ?
you buy 1 time and it's forever
You can tell if a shrine is ready on the mini map by default wihout BeAwarePro
Any chance it will work with 3440*1440 screen res?:)
Amazing! Thanks :) Time to buy after trial :)
I'm not sure that in the list of your resolution there or not, you can leave a review.
if not then you should help me
Thanks bro @YEEEEEEE ! Can you make it different color and bigger? Or size option? The color its similar to the map so its hard to see, and size is too small. Thanks!
next update
Still waiting for red screen blood seeker ult pleaseeeee
Item panel is not working.. I can't see it/it doesn't show up..
Can u also add advance range display and current gold panel like in onverlay to this assembly tnx.
I'll do as soon as the new Core is ready
can it work with 2560 × 1440 resolution?
can we get a button to disable the intro? i dont mind advertisement but why dont you put it in your free version and make it toggable in the paid ?
We thankful for you bro. The hardwork and trying your best. This is your 3rd script. But tbh none of them is close to being stable. There are issues on each. Techies rubick and now last hit. We tough on you bro because we know you're potential. And as one of the if not the newest developer you kinda need to prove yourself. We make suggestions as a positive criticism and hope you're not taking anything personal. I think that it's better to perfectly work on one script first than making a new one with the other ones still having problems. I'm not telling you what to do bro just a suggestion. Again thank you @SirLimon.
wrong thread lmo
Hahahaha shit my bad hahahaha oops! You're one of my favorite here @YEEEEEEE
Update V4.3.0.0
now helps Divine.Core
must be installed Divine.Core!
We need to wait for Admin to Approve

Admin go on i want to play dota!
Thx for all the Updates !
Thanks for the update! I was wondering if it would be possible for you to add a couple things from other assemblies in the database (I feel they align with what you've created in this assembly). Features like the ability to view your visible status in VisibleByEnemyPlus, specifically the aura around heroes and units (mines, etc.) as well as the positioning of wards and mines/remotes etc. in VisionControl.
Similarly I think AdvancedRangeDisplay and ModifierVision assembly features would be an awesome addition as it's all visual information. I'm not sure how they'd all fit/perform in your new core - whether it'd work/affect performance in its' current state, but if it could be done, I feel you'd be the man to do it! (given how good the performance I was experiencing with BeAwarePro before it's update)
Let me know what you think Boss.
hello @yeee i have a suggestion XD can you add enemy bkb timer ? because you know i play a lot of tinker to raise my mmr and other magic damage hero scrpits like skywrathmageplus , so i think its cool to have a enemy bkb timer so we can assure that the enemy is vulnerable on our attacks
forgive me maybe I misunderstood. you said that BeAwarePro is more FPS than Divine.BeAwre?.
1. I'll think about VisibleByEnemy.
2. Perhaps later I will add VisionControl.
3. RangeDisplay will not be added, since Each of my Hero Combos script will have RangeDisplay.
4. Perhaps later I will add ModifierVision
Thank you for your good feedback.