Item and net worth panels still missing after resetting the config. Also I think the roshan panel is also missing.
Upon further testing I noticed some more bugs:
- Show Me More not working
- Partial MapHack not working
- Manabars not working
The only thing that works right now is the blue visibility thing on top panel and that only works for allies.
There's also these issues I posted earlier:
@tihspmet said:
- Item and net worth panels disappeared
- Toggling the plugin off from Ensage.SDK»Plugins»Divine.BeAware does nothing
- Toggling the plugin on causes another instance of the plugin to start so you got two of them now
- Random mirana arrow / lonedruid roar notifications from invoker spells
- Random dota crashes involving particles (posted stack and exception on #troubleshooting)
@tihspmet said:
- Item and net worth panels disappeared
- Toggling the plugin off from Ensage.SDK»Plugins»Divine.BeAware does nothing
- Toggling the plugin on causes another instance of the plugin to start so you got two of them now
- Random mirana arrow / lonedruid roar notifications from invoker spells
- Random dota crashes involving particles (posted stack and exception on #troubleshooting)
which one of them only noticed mirana arrow.!
the rest of the first I hear from you.
Can you make a video ?.
@drdlle said:
Слушай мог бы добавить в шкалу нетворса , кол голды вообщем.
И функцию как в бесплатном , когда герой уходит в туман войны пишет его +- направление где он идет.
про + и - не понял :( я же довабил таймер когда враг в тумане. направленя куда идет не будет добавлено так как Partial MapHack сканирует героев в карте! если добавлю направленя куда идет это будет каша какойто
@YEEEEEEE - Could you please add visibility status to Techies Mines/Traps/Remotes? A circle/aura like in visiblebyenemy/plus would do, but maybe you have a better idea
Is the overlay working fine on morphling ? Jumpering's OverlayInfo fucks up when a morphling replicates. Btw it would be great if you guys keep changelogs on paid assemblies, so we can track the progress before buying.
SDKMenu broken
Okay when its fix will everything go back to default? Because everything works i just have to turn everything on manually
@YEEEEEEE - Since the last update, we haven't been able to save our settings and they keep resetting every time we close Doat
SDKMenu Fixed!
Thanks Boss!
hey why i cant see the overlay for divine BeAware and divine skywrathMage? I already installed divine core but no avail. thanks
Press f9 or shift
+1, the settings are always reset
the settings bugs not fixed?
not working again? No mana bars, no item panel nothing.
Item and net worth panels still missing after resetting the config. Also I think the roshan panel is also missing.
Upon further testing I noticed some more bugs:
- Show Me More not working
- Partial MapHack not working
- Manabars not working
The only thing that works right now is the blue visibility thing on top panel and that only works for allies.
There's also these issues I posted earlier:

default disabled!
please first check all the settings then write about your problem
I have everything enabled. Do you want me to upload a video tutorial for you how to enable them?
which one of them only noticed mirana arrow.!
the rest of the first I hear from you.
Can you make a video ?.
console errors?
The icon on the card from a teleport is simply awful. Make please as was earlier - a red circle.
I do not understand what's wrong here
instead of a circle the town portal scroll icon appears
something wrong again? Item panel just disappeared. Reload scripts already. still doesn't work
Nvm. it keeps going on and off. the script randomly turns off in the middle of the game.
go TeamViewer I want to check this out
log errors when this happens
seems to have found the cause, now should be fine
i cant use my ensage since last week if im not wrong
vac detected
how can i use it again?
Слушай мог бы добавить в шкалу нетворса , кол голды вообщем.
И функцию как в бесплатном , когда герой уходит в туман войны пишет его +- направление где он идет.
про + и - не понял :( я же довабил таймер когда враг в тумане. направленя куда идет не будет добавлено так как Partial MapHack сканирует героев в карте! если добавлю направленя куда идет это будет каша какойто
данный момент она бета! после релиза Divine.Visage сделаю доконца
Ок , спасибо что ответил. Если будут еще какие то мысли напишу. Может будут полезны
@YEEEEEEE - Could you please add visibility status to Techies Mines/Traps/Remotes? A circle/aura like in visiblebyenemy/plus would do, but maybe you have a better idea
Is the overlay working fine on morphling ? Jumpering's OverlayInfo fucks up when a morphling replicates. Btw it would be great if you guys keep changelogs on paid assemblies, so we can track the progress before buying.
Btw do you fully support dx11 on this assembly ? @YEEEEEEE
Does the hero overlay work fine with morphling replicate btw ?
Cool. I'll buy it as soon as I have money LOL
need updates for rune check, it's now every 5 mins.