Vaper is the new ZAIO assembly which uses the SDK.
However, there are some difference:
- Vaper should have more complex and better combo logic and no generic spell/item usage. That's why you can only use it with the supported heroes.
- Defensive items should be used by the Evader and not by this assembly (except when it's useful/needed for a combo, like BKB with legion ult, or invis with cm ult etc.), since this assembly has not the goal to spam all items and spells on cooldown
- There won't be config options for every single item and ability usage, since combos are only working as a whole and nobody likes to go through millions of options before you can start to play. So just press Spacebar and vape your enemies away

- Every hero only supports the items which are usually bought on him to allow better and more complex logic, instead of generic, worse logic, which won't consider the heroes strengths and weaknesses .
Supported Heroes
- Axe
- Alchemist
- Crystal Maiden
- Juggernaut
- Phantom Assassin
- Pudge
- Rubick (only spellsteal + killsteal + cliff yet, no orbwalking combo logic)
- Undying
- Venomancer (no ult/auto-ward usage yet)
- Drow
Harras Mode

If you have problems with an hero, please let me know in what situations these problems occur, so I can reproduce them.
If anything is wrong with the combo logic of an hero, give me a reason why your suggestion is better than the current state.
Wow Amazing script!!
How to use Pudge with this script?
Literally just leave everything default and just bind your key preference to the combo... Use with Advancerangedisplay assembly for better positioning because you always know the max range on your hook
@Admin Using DX11, no abilities are being used.
I really wish we could disable jugg's spin in this script as late game I like to only use it to evade spells :)
With the old ZAIO, playing as PA you could turn off blink in combos, so that way you can harass with dagger in lane. Can we have that option again please? Because sometimes I don't want to blink to the enemy, I just want to dagger harass.
Thank you
@Admin Got these errors as well when using DX11, if it helps

In a new patch, that the Rubik can not throw on the rock by clicking on it. Remove this function and better correct what would work and push away from the rock opposite to the enemy hero.
not work ?
Doesn't work
Could you please describe what exactly the issue is? Posting "doesnt work" wont help with the fixing at all.
All doesn't matter! Wtf bro! Is that really you moones!??! Where you been bro! Finally you're back lol!
Does it matter? Won't get looked at regardless. Hasn't been working with dx11 for weeks now, posted errors, but no one cares lol
What's the difference between using it on dx9 vs dx11? I've been using it on dx9. Works fine for me.
But my problem with this is, when you use combo the hero will use all it's spells. But if you just want to harass with one spell, there is no option to select which skills to use like there was in ZAIO.
I do not have a combo, on any hero. Everything works on the zaio. An unclear menu appears "orbwalker: name hero"
Im sure admins are aware of the issue with dx11 and that they will get it fixed, just be patient.
It's not that no one cares, but I can't reproduce the error. No matter if I'm using Dx9 or Dx11, both is working as intended.
The screenshot of the console you posted simply shows that it can't load the RenderManager in dx11 and not the error why it can't be loaded for you. The real error is probably before, which you haven't shown with your screenshot.
I suggest to join the discord to resolve this error together.
Orbwalker: Hero Name is the default orbwalker of the SDK. This will allow you to set hotkeys and options for auto lasthitting etc.
Vaper should have an own menu entry called "Vaper -> General -> Combo Key".
As I said, I'm not a fan of having millions of config options which must then be changed depending on the situations.
I added a Harras Mode now, which is basically what you want: lasthitting and denying (can be configured in the normal orbwalking config) and if no attack target is found it will harras enemy heroes with auto attacks and in case of PA with her dagger too.
Skywrath Mage big?
Why when there already is a perfectly good one? Only thing wrong with it is the features requested aren't being added which would be:
* Q to farm/defend
* Detect AM aghs and add a second menu like linkens to choose what breaks it
* Possibly not utilizing the updated skill range
Don't think there was anything else off top of my head.
Heroes that don't have working assemblies that would be good are Storm, Techies, autopush, Bristleback. Not sure if any of them have assemblies working at moment last time I checked they didn't.
yes. I press the button for the combo and nothing happens. (zaio work)
You really need to provide the error messages you receive, or nobody can help you...
Make sure to open the console: Ensage Loader -> Settings -> Console
And show us the output of the console when Vaper is loading, if anything is wrong, then it should be red/yellow output.
Also make sure that you've got the Ensage.SDK installed in your Libraries profile.
It's always a good idea to join the discord to ask there for help.
Thanks Zynox. Excellent work !
fix pls
In a new patch, that the Rubik can not throw on the rock by clicking on it. Remove this function and better correct what would work and push away from the rock opposite to the enemy hero.
Can you give me the download link of Ensage T_T PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Can someone give me the download link of ensage T_T
Can you stop spamming offtopic please?
There's a download button on top of this page:
In the old thread there is an update saying that rubick script now show icon for the next stolen spell. I don't see it in-game.
Can anyone tell me where it's supposed to be?
While rubick is stealing a spell, it will directly show over his healthbar the spell with an icon.
I agree with Joypink to some degree. Zaio was much better but I am sure Vaper is in very early stages and it will improve a lot in the coming weeks.
That's not really fair. Vaper shall be a one-key-experience with advanced logic and if you think it's currently not in a good state, you may always give concrete suggestions. This config-for-everything experience is only for users which think that they can perform better than the assembly (so why use vaper at all? to cast stun/nova only?)
CM actually uses her stun whenever she has enough mana for it (at least she should, if that didn't happen for you then it's probably a bug). You might be right about that range thing if you don't have a blink dagger, but it's not just spamming ult everytime you press spacebar: it's checking if multiple enemies can be hit and/or the target has quite a lot health left. Also from my experience, using spells like CM ult is most likely always worth it, since the CD is not that long and saving it makes not too much sense.
Also I added a harras key, which currently only works for PA with spells, but I'll add the other heroes soon too, which might fix your "shitty" experience in future.
i agree with admin here ya its better to to use ult instead of saving the cooldown isnt that long too ?:P
Added experimental veno support (no auto ult/ward usage yet).
It however uses gale with orbwalking and controls the wards with the following priorities:
Also CM ult will check if the enemy is closer to the own player now rather than the max radius (if no blink is bought yet)
Nice update. I test Veno and it work as intended. Ward control is very nice.
all teamate were there, i just denied my own team aegis when i walk away from roshan =.= well done haha
Great job on the veno script. Can we make it so if ward requires 2 hits to deny then 2 wards will try to deny it at the same time? I think you will have 99% ward deny rate with this :)
What heroes you planning on making?
Any chance of storm and ember?
I haven't decided yet, but I prefer heroes which don't have any other assemblies yet + heroes which have their abilities not yet implemented in the SDK (so I can implement and test them right away)
Improved denying by using more wards now.
Fixed now!
Can I suggest a ranged carry? Vaper's target selector and orbwalker is good for kiting so I wanna see it being use with a ranged carry. Maybe a simple marksman like Drow or Clinkz, or a bit more skill-based one like Luna, Razor or Gyrocopter.
Just raped with Veno thanks :)
May I suggest an Earthshaker assembly? He's 100% meta right now. The combo should maximize stun with his passive and Ult if enemy can be killed.
Thanks for the veno addition!
Can you please make deny wards as an option? Its really devastating when junglin
For new hero I would suggest Disruptor. Main feature needed would be to show with a drawing on screen the glimpse location when you hover the mouse over a hero.
I don't think the storm or ember ones work at moment.
I feel ES will be a good addition to vaper
Feel Drow and Clinkz must be easy enough to be added to this assembly.
later can add Luna and other heros.
Can you port Nyx, Troll Warlord and Windranger from ZAIO to Vaper?
Troll Warlord's combo logic has been perfect, I think there is no need to do any changes.
Nyx's combo mode has some minor problems, I used Nyx to buy Aether Lens and Scepter and cast Burrow, then Impale and Mana Burn cast range is very far, but the Combo model does not correctly identify the cast range, resulting in the clearly Within the scope of the cast does not cast ability. And sometimes, the combo mode Impale casts inaccurate, precisely that is far from the target position deviates far.
And Windranger Combo logic is also very perfect, but the KS mode automatically cast Powershot time, it should block player input, or Powershot will charge is not complete.
Does axe use shivas and other items? Didn't look like it last time I tried
+1 for storm spirit
storm spirit please